EURELECTRIC EC federation description (show address)
EURELECTRIC1989Groupement européen des Entreprises d'Electricité (GEIE)
  European Grouping of the Electricity Supply Industry (EEIG)
  Europäische Vereinigung der Elektrizitätsversorgung (EWIV)


2) To represent the European electricity sector in dealings with the European Union.
To arrive at joint positions so that the sector can speak with a single voice.
To contribute to the harmonious development f the European electricity system.
To work on relations with undertakings from countries which are not members of European Union.

1) Electricité * Distribution

2) Electricity * Supply

3) Elektrizität * Versorgung

2) The Committee guides the work of EURELECTRIC and conducts a dialogue at the highest level with representatives of the European institutions. Each country of the European Union is represented by a single Member while the Presidents of UNIPEDE, UCPTE, and NORDEL together with two representatives from inter-connected European countries which are not EU members are present as observers.
Three Ad hoc Groups - "Statutes", "Prospective" and "Communication" - report directly to the Committee and deal with horizontal matters of relevancre to all the Sections.

2) EURELECTRIC draws on the professional expertise of the following organisations in its work :
UNIPEDE - International Union of Producers and Distributors of Electrical Energy - in existence since 1925.
UCPTE - Union for the Co-ordination of Production and Transmission of Electricity, established in 1951.
NORDEL - the Association of Representatives of Electricity Undertakings in Northern Europe, created in 1963.



List members
Associations nationales / National Associations / Nationale Verbände :
AUT - EVN Energie-Versorgung Niederösterreich AG
BEL - Electrabel
DEU - Vorstand der RWE Energie AG
DNK - SK Power Company
ESP - Unidad Eléctrica S.A.
FIN - Imatran Voima Oy
FRA - Electricité de France
GBR - Electricity Association Services Ltd.
GRC - Public Power Corporation
IRE - Electricity Supply Board
LUX - Compagnie Grand-Ducale d'Electricité
NLD - EnergieNed
PRT - Electricidade de Portugal S.A.
SWE - Vattenfall AB

Specific relations

Date updated

Last uploaded: Fri, May 23, 2003Frame me!

Prepared in response to the EC DG Enterprise Construction Contact PointShow address